I have lost count of the number of times I am asked how I created the fog, the mood and the sun rays in my pictures. People want to have a Photoshop recipe that I am using to create all this. I always reply by saying that nature is so generous that she makes all of this. Fact is that I would not be interested in photography without the experience of being in that enchanted moment in which nature shows its magic. As much as I am an artist, my photography is very much about the connection with stillness and magic in this world. I need this to stay rooted in my own stillness.
If I were not to connect to nature, I would not feel the same way when taking pictures. Creating some fog in Photoshop would not take me to that feeling of walking in the fog. Sun rays are magical to observe, I am not feeling inclined to make them, because this would not give me that feeling of pure enchantment that I get from witnessing it. Yes, I do edit my pictures in Photoshop, after all I photograph in RAW, but I must admit that even with a solid education on Photoshop, it is not what I love to do. I do however not add things in Photoshop that were not there. I love to take pictures, to spend time in nature, to connect to what is real and still in this world. This brings me peace and harmony. I wonder sometimes if we as human kind have somehow lost the ability to enjoy stillness, without feeling hurried or just capturing quickly what we see and than move on to the next moment. For me the picture comes from the experience, but the experience has to be the most important thing. The bliss of nature brings forth a connection to something deeper inside of you from which you can create without thoughts interfering. Being alive is in those moments, it is in the experiences in nature, it is in that connection with your deepest self and from there....you create your own unique view on the uniqueness of each and every moment.